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Hello viewers and/or helpless victims of a misplaced click! Welcome to my blog, please stop and look around a bit. My name is Chelsea and I am a somewhat typical college student living life. I've created this account in order to share some of the random things I've done and tell stories (Anyone who knows me will tell you I talk-- perhaps too much-- to anyone and everyone and always have a story to tell). I think I talk too much, but thankfully in this setting you are not being coerced into listening to my ramblings, you may stop reading whenever you choose (though I hope you find me just intriguing enough to continue reading).

P.S. I've got a secret..... I am new to this! (As if you couldn't tell by my cookie cutter blog template) I have never before written a blog, but so many people keep saying I should, and provided I have the patience and the dedication to do this frequently, I think it will be really fun.

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Sunday, March 4, 2012


Okay so I was just gearing up to start homework (checking email, checking class announcements, getting my stuff together, going about it all rather lazily seeing as how the night was as yet far from over) when I happened to think about my film class essay that's due on Wednesday. So I figured I should look up the guidelines for the paper again so that I can have the topics in the back of my head over the next couple days to start thinking about which films I'd like to use and what arguments I'm going  to make about the topics... so I click the link and download the file. Starting at the top of the page I begin to skim through and what do I notice first.... right near the top of course is the due date... only funny thing: THE DUE DATE IS NOT WEDNESDAY! IT IS TOMORROW MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

AH!!! Okay so you might be thinking, eh an essay for film class no big, but it has a minimum of 1400 words and possibly the worse part, a strict maximum of 1500 words! (I went well over the maximum on my last paper because you simply cannot go over the films in the depth that the professor requires in so few words, (the last one had a 750 word maximum... after several revisions where I deleted entire paragraphs, my final copy was right around 1,000... and that essay was only about a single scene in a movie!) this essay requires in depth analysis of two separate films with a shot by shot focus,  in relation to her entirely incompetent prompt. -___-! 

I cannot stand my professor.... but that aside the task before me is still daunting. Now you might be wondering why on Earth I'm writing this to you instead of delving into my essay.... well two reasons:

1. I am a chronic procrastinator... always have been... in all honestly probably always will be... but also:
2. I am using this post as a warm up to get my thoughts flowing and my typing going, so that I can write my essay more fluidly when I begin. 

(I'm also going to copy this into a word document to see how many words it is lol, because while this is clearly not an academic piece of writing, it will still give me a rough goal for how much I should be getting typed per hour or so, this post has taken me about ten to fifteen minutes, so if I'm lucky on my paper I'd like to keep up at least half this pace)

Alright, that's all for now. Gotta get to it! Hopefully I'll be able to write another post when I finish my essay and hopefully that time will be well before my class starts tomorrow at 1pm. TTYL faithful readers! Hope you all had great weekends :)

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