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Hello viewers and/or helpless victims of a misplaced click! Welcome to my blog, please stop and look around a bit. My name is Chelsea and I am a somewhat typical college student living life. I've created this account in order to share some of the random things I've done and tell stories (Anyone who knows me will tell you I talk-- perhaps too much-- to anyone and everyone and always have a story to tell). I think I talk too much, but thankfully in this setting you are not being coerced into listening to my ramblings, you may stop reading whenever you choose (though I hope you find me just intriguing enough to continue reading).

P.S. I've got a secret..... I am new to this! (As if you couldn't tell by my cookie cutter blog template) I have never before written a blog, but so many people keep saying I should, and provided I have the patience and the dedication to do this frequently, I think it will be really fun.

So anyway, please keep in mind that I am new to this, and cut me some slack as I get the hang of it.
Oh and one more thing! If you don't like my blog for whatever reason, I am not forcing you to read it; no one is :) and I am who I am, so don't expect me to change if I get a little flak.

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Sunday, March 11, 2012

I need YOUR help!

Okay, so I need your help! I know usually you get to just read passively and close out of the window when you finish without a second thought as to the feedback I might like to receive lmao. This is generally a one way relationship, I give and give and GIVE of myself, and you just take it amiably. No reciprocation and no gratitude! Lmao sorry, just kidding, and rambling.

[If you don't want to do too much reading and only want to do the bare minimum to help me (which is perfectly okay and understandable), please scroll down to the next highlighted section!]

Okay, but seriously, this post is going to require participation. I am doing a creative project for my "Food in Film" class (CPLT 027/MCS 036), and I want to use some of your input for part of my assignment. 
My project will look at food in connection with people, simple enough, but what I want to know from you, for your part, is:
  •  What about food strikes the biggest response in you? 
  • How important are aesthetics? 
    • Does that ever trump taste? 
      • (I asked to taste a particular flavor of ice cream today just because it was prettier than the rest, so I'd say appearance of course plays a role). 
  • How bout the smell? Can you enjoy something that smells bad?
    • (Many people and indeed many cultures can, I'm not sure about myself lol. My nose usually knows what it wants). 
  • Do you take pictures of your food? 
    • What is your motive behind that? 
      • Is it that you want people to be jealous, or something else? 
  • Do you prefer food from your own culture? Or someone else's?
  • Also, how many movies can you think of off the top of your head that have a focus on food?
    • Can you think of any movies that don't have ANY food shown at all? 

You don't have to answer all of the questions above, but if a question sticks out as one you have a good response for, please make sure to share. That said, even if you don't want to answer ANY of those questions PLEASE PLEASE answer these next two for me; they're the most important:

Think about your favorite food...

What is it?

What history do you have with it? 
(is it something your grandma always made on special visits? Is it your favorite for taste? Nostalgia? Tradition? etc.)
Pictures are also welcome.
Oh AND!!! If scientists created a pill that eliminated your need to ever eat again (it took care of nourishing you and kept you from being hungry), but it also meant you could never eat again, would you take it? 

If you send me a picture of a food, please include its name and perhaps write a little something about it.

All responses will contribute to the presentation I am preparing and would be greatly appreciated!

And who doesn't love food? It's not like this is a difficult topic, so please respond with some of your own experience, stories, favorite dishes, recipes, etc.

You can leave responses in the comments section, on facebook, or at this email address:

Thanks so much!

Now back to working on my project.  


  1. My favorite food would be pizza
    It is something I remember enjoying eating as a child. It makes me remember my childhood
    If a scientist would create a pill that eliminated that need for me to eat in general, I would never take it even though it took care of nourishment because food is more than just about nourishment and keep one from being hungry. Eating food is about satisfaction and enjoyment. I think all of us are guilty of eating food that we crave or like even though we know that it might be bad for us.

    -Micko :)

    1. Yay!!! Thank you Kuya ^_^

      And yeah I would never take it either! Food is one of the things I get the most enjoyment out of in life! An ex of mine first asked me that question a few years ago and he said he would and thought it was weird that I wouldn't!

  2. My favorite food would be this spinach soup that I had one time as a kid. I had it when I went back to Taiwan. It didn't look appealing but after one spoon I really wanted to know what the I just ate. If anything, this is the one thing I like to eat before I die. A bit morbid but yes, It's on my bucket list especially since that restaurant doesn't exist anymore. I have to find the recipe/ find a place that serves it before I die. So to answer your second question, I wouldn't eat that pill. I defeats my purpose of my life long goal of finding this soup. I love that food can bring back memories, thoughts and ignite your senses just by sight or smell. Without that food would be boring. To answer some of your other questions briefly, I love my culture's food, not that It's always healthier but It's unique in taste, in looks, in smell. Def, nostalgic. Aesthetics are good to look at but if the taste doesn't live up to the hype then it's no good...I feel deceived. Taste ultimately triumphs aesthetics and smell. Bad smelling food is also an acquired taste. I don't have my own camera to take pics of food but if I did, I would. Why? I don't know, but I feel that it might encourage other people to expand their horizons and try something different, and maybe make them want to appreciate and know about the culture more. As for movies, I don't really focus on what they eat. I just think oh there's lots of food, that means that it's a feast ( kind of like an establishing shot where it helps contextualize the setting and plot). Hope that helped and good luck!

    1. Thank you so much for your help! It's truly appreciated!

  3. So my favorite entrée is spaghetti (spelled right this time) of course and I love it for its taste, smell, satisfactory pleasure, variety in sauces and noodles, and yummy attractive appearance. mmmm but then I also love desserts like fresh chocolate ship cookies and something sweet paired with fruit (and I know you would also think reeces peanut butter cups)

    And I would NOT want to take that pill that would deny me the easiest and simplest pleasure I have in life: eating! Not only do I enjoy the taste, but eating is a frequent and traditional way people gather together. It's a perfect occasion to sit with the people you love (or want to spend the least amount of time with but you have to out of some obligation). And if there was no need to eat, cooking would be a waste of money and cooking can be fun! and a time of bonding! There is just something very very wrong about the scenario you just purposed (unless of course is coming from a place to solve world hunger or something. Even then I would not want that to be the solution).

    Aesthetics absolutely is important in anything in life. Our very nature is drawn to beauty and we appreciate art. We probably appreciate aesthetics in food too because we value the time and work that went into creating it so that's why we are willing to pay for a subpar cupcake with nasty sparkly blue and fluffy frosting. I would rather have my food taste and smell good. It seems like desserts are the most deceiving. Most entrées, if they look good and smell good, taste good. More reliable cuz there is less artificial parts to it? I don't know much about cooking. . . .

    There you go. Had to answer a call for help from my best friend. And since it was about food, of course I had an opinion about it :)

    Love you best friend! ~Jessica

    1. Thanks Jess!!! And p.s. I knew it was you from the very first sentence haha. Also you said chocolate SHIP cookies which my sleep deprived brain just found VERY comical. Thanks for your help, and you will now be added to my project which is due in forty minutes if I can manage to stay awake that long -_____-

      Love you, miss you, and we need to take time to catch up soon (preferably after this insane week is over! Next week is finals' week, so I'll be relatively free from Thursday night to Sunday, other than classes and work)

    2. Hahaha was it the spelling that gave it away?? Just kidding. I'm glad that helped a little. I won't be home next week unfortunately but the weekend after I will be cuz it'll be the beginning of my spring break so yours will be over by then huh? oh well you'll still be home and home much homework can they give you already anyway? not enough to stop you from taking a little time off to spend with me. K good luck with finishing your semester! I hope that as I am writing this email you are already asleep!

