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Hello viewers and/or helpless victims of a misplaced click! Welcome to my blog, please stop and look around a bit. My name is Chelsea and I am a somewhat typical college student living life. I've created this account in order to share some of the random things I've done and tell stories (Anyone who knows me will tell you I talk-- perhaps too much-- to anyone and everyone and always have a story to tell). I think I talk too much, but thankfully in this setting you are not being coerced into listening to my ramblings, you may stop reading whenever you choose (though I hope you find me just intriguing enough to continue reading).

P.S. I've got a secret..... I am new to this! (As if you couldn't tell by my cookie cutter blog template) I have never before written a blog, but so many people keep saying I should, and provided I have the patience and the dedication to do this frequently, I think it will be really fun.

So anyway, please keep in mind that I am new to this, and cut me some slack as I get the hang of it.
Oh and one more thing! If you don't like my blog for whatever reason, I am not forcing you to read it; no one is :) and I am who I am, so don't expect me to change if I get a little flak.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012


OMG OMG OMG!!!! 1,000 all time pageviews!!!! Woo woo!!! Do you know what that means? That means that since I started writing this blog two and a half years ago almost, you guys and other anonymous people have visited my blog 1,000 times!!!! to read my 41 posts about various things. 1,000 times! That's pretty darn exciting if you ask me! That means an average of 25 individual views per post not including instances where people read more than one post per visit. So that's pretty cool to me. Thank you guys so so much for your continued support <-- and even though that phrase makes me sound like a broken record, I really do mean it and I really do appreciate the fact that you take the time out of your days to read my largely insignificant thoughts.

So since I don't have time right now to make a cool video telling you guys how much I love you and dancing like a fool in order to show you how I celebrate haha, I will instead give you this link of other people having a good time to hopefully inspire some happiness and energy in your life today! Woo Woo!!! 1,000 pageviews!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This reminds me of the 100th day in kindergarten! On the 100th day of kindergarten we had a 100 party! We had cakes baked in the shape of 100 and 100 jelly beans, and 100 pennies in a jar, and 100 pieces of cereal glued on a paper in a rainbow shape or something, and we just did all kinds of crafts and iterations of 100!!! It was great, those were the days, back when 100 seemed like the biggest number in the whole world, how could we have possibly been in kindergarten for 100 whole days! It was mind blowing back then lol. I've just had an epiphany, parents must be really patient and SUPER good fakers, cuz I had no clue that 100 days wasn't very impressive back then lol. Good job Mom and Dad! You successfully allowed me to marvel at the mundane due to my naivete!!!!! Thank you for not demystifying the world for me. I enjoy the fact that I can still find joy and wonder in things that other people take for granted even now, because you guys didn't trample over things I found cool. You're not quite as good at the faking game anymore... I see your looks! And I can hear your sarcasm at times.... but it's okay, because you faked it long enough that now I am set in my ways and you can't damage my sense of awe anymore haha. But, rest up and be prepared, because you can't be so rusty now that you have Katelynn and Janey to fake the excitement for/with haha. I know you'll do fine though, and don't worry us older kids can step in and do our own share of pretending now and again. Love you guys, love my viewers and love that I got to 1,000 pageviews!!!!!!!!! OH!!! And here's that video I was telling you about: it's time to CELEBRATE  oh and I think I'll give you one more video while I'm at it, that guy with the ponytail is sure enjoying himself lol! Go Mr. Ponytail! 

Okay, and now I must go to sleep because I have work super early in the morning tomorrow! Goodnight folks :) thanks again for contributing to my 1,000 pageviews as well as to my nostalgia! Haha. Have a great Wednesday!

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