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Hello viewers and/or helpless victims of a misplaced click! Welcome to my blog, please stop and look around a bit. My name is Chelsea and I am a somewhat typical college student living life. I've created this account in order to share some of the random things I've done and tell stories (Anyone who knows me will tell you I talk-- perhaps too much-- to anyone and everyone and always have a story to tell). I think I talk too much, but thankfully in this setting you are not being coerced into listening to my ramblings, you may stop reading whenever you choose (though I hope you find me just intriguing enough to continue reading).

P.S. I've got a secret..... I am new to this! (As if you couldn't tell by my cookie cutter blog template) I have never before written a blog, but so many people keep saying I should, and provided I have the patience and the dedication to do this frequently, I think it will be really fun.

So anyway, please keep in mind that I am new to this, and cut me some slack as I get the hang of it.
Oh and one more thing! If you don't like my blog for whatever reason, I am not forcing you to read it; no one is :) and I am who I am, so don't expect me to change if I get a little flak.

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Thursday, August 23, 2012


So I haven't done much today, but there is already a motif: 

Beauty. It's everywhere people. 
It's in people, it's in art, it's in God's creation. 
It's in nuances, and it's in conversations. 
It's just everywhere... 

Can you find some today? Find some, enjoy it, maybe record it? Pictures, words, video, there are so many ways... or perhaps just simply savor it in solitude. Find the quiet in the spaces between the world. People are running to half a million things, appointments, engagements, predicaments, and meetings, find away to avoid seeing what they're seeing. Just look for the quiet within all those places. You don't have to go to some silent meadow (though that could be nice), but just in the midst of all these intersecting crazy lives, find your quiet. See what gets missed! Look at the sky and the trees and the clouds, look at the people and how they interact and change each other. Watch some laughter without hearing it, look for the pure sincerity, and find who is causing it! Look for a child wandering in wonderment, skipping in bliss, or acting a bit mischievous. Beauty is everywhere, but we rarely see it. We're too caught up. TOO in the moment. Don't get me wrong I love living life in the moment, LOVE running from one thing to the next without planning; I thrive on chaos and I'm known to get wrapped up in my work, BUT just take some time when you can spare it and live life slowly. Remove yourself from the bustling, pulsing world we live in, and move slowly, see more than you tend to see. Observe as much as you can and just live life quietly. Let the beauty speak to you and find whatever artistic side you have (art is human, even people who aren't creative -or don't think they are in any case- have the appreciation. Even if you generally stifle it) and run with it. Then share. Help inspire others to see the beauty too, you don't have to, but you should. Don't hog it to yourself, try your best to inspire! With that said, I am off. I am going to wander today. Wander and meander and stop by some thrift stores to sort through their assorted beauties and find myself a treasure. Enjoy your day however you choose to spend it, and even if you're busy, just find one thing you consider beautiful.

God bless.

If you're feeling artistic today (or bored lol) please help out with my challenge: 

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