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Hello viewers and/or helpless victims of a misplaced click! Welcome to my blog, please stop and look around a bit. My name is Chelsea and I am a somewhat typical college student living life. I've created this account in order to share some of the random things I've done and tell stories (Anyone who knows me will tell you I talk-- perhaps too much-- to anyone and everyone and always have a story to tell). I think I talk too much, but thankfully in this setting you are not being coerced into listening to my ramblings, you may stop reading whenever you choose (though I hope you find me just intriguing enough to continue reading).

P.S. I've got a secret..... I am new to this! (As if you couldn't tell by my cookie cutter blog template) I have never before written a blog, but so many people keep saying I should, and provided I have the patience and the dedication to do this frequently, I think it will be really fun.

So anyway, please keep in mind that I am new to this, and cut me some slack as I get the hang of it.
Oh and one more thing! If you don't like my blog for whatever reason, I am not forcing you to read it; no one is :) and I am who I am, so don't expect me to change if I get a little flak.

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Sunday, March 18, 2012


Okay so I was just (procrastinating) looking at my viewership stats for my blog and noticed something.... I am horribly inconsistent lmao! I never write consistently. I do better some months than others; usually because I feel guilty for writing so little for so long and then decide to fix it and be the best blogger ever and write all the time! But then it always tapers back off until it goes so long that I feel guilty again and then the cycle repeats. So my graph of viewer stats over time is nothing but peaks and valleys, it will spike up and then plummet over and over and over... I think I should fix this... but not just another peak this time. I want to be more consistent... not just in blogging, but with everything in life. 

With studying.
My performance in class seems to be riddled with just as many peaks and valleys as my blogging. Last week I had a massive peak... studied A TON made up at least ten missing assignments for various classes, took several quizzes I had missed and took my, I think 8, doctor's notes around on tours of my professors. My doctor's notes found my professors all to be very kind and accommodating as did I. After all of that work I now I have an A in my Spanish class for the first time since... I think my freshman year of college. I struggle with Spanish... especially since it's not Spanish language anymore, well I mean technically it is, but it's the study of the MORPHOLOGY of the Spanish language.... in Spanish. This class would be hard enough in English -___-. After the final I'm sure it probably won't be quite an A anymore.... but there's still some hope I guess since there are still a few more days to cram some knowledge into this brain of mine. I'm not sure how much my head will hold before it starts dumping stuff back out again, but hopefully I can coax it into retaining just enough to get me through each of my four finals this week. Tuesday promises to be my worst day, because I have two finals in the same day. My final for my film class in the morning and then my Chinese final in the afternoon :/ Chinese is incredibly hard and my film class requires us to know the name of the director, the nationality of the director and various other seemingly unimportant details about ALL the films we've seen all or part of over the course of this class,and in addition to that, my professor has said that questions on her final can be from any aspect of the entire course, readings, films, clips, random thoughts of hers that she mentioned in class... anything. (Oh! AND the authors of ALL the articles we've read in class -___- we have about three readings per week and all of them have a different author) Bleh. I don't like classes that put so much focus on the details and the obscure. Why not concepts, ideas, ability to analyze, and applications? Why names, diction, and random phrases? What good does that do? Anyway, I have ENDLESS problems with that professor.... I detailed a fair number of them in her ieval and ranted about them to pretty much anyone and everyone I've had a conversation with this quarter. After she's done quizzing us on the minutiae and trivia of the course, then we get to write two essays in an hour, woo woo! -___-. But even with all of that, my Chinese final will be at least ten times harder even without any professor-generated idiocy. I am not looking forward to the Chinese final... never do in fact. I have NEVER finished a Chinese midterm or final.... EVER!!! Most of us American students don't :/ it's just too much for us to read, translate, answer, translate, and figure out how to write in the amount of time given. 

Ugh and that's just one day out of my week next week. Here's the outline of my week this coming week, assume all gaps are filled with studying eating or sleeping:

Monday: work 
Tuesday: Film class final, Chinese class final

Wednesday: Spanish Morphology final
Thursday: Linguistics final, work

Friday: work, then hopefully nice evening with the bf spent trying to recoup from the week of torment and remember what it's like to relax. The stress of the last couple weeks has definitely put tension on the relationship that's for sure. Luckily our love is stronger than the stress and the few fights. Love you Maxwell ^_^

Oh and p.s. our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY is in two weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited, and so lucky to have such a wonderful boyfriend. For those of you who don't know him (you should meet him), he is smart, funny, quirky, cute, sweet, adorably cheesy, supportive, respectful, goofy, active, endearing, fun-loving, caring and loves me for who I am (even with all the crazy that implies). I love him so much and feel lucky to call him mine. I appreciate all he does for me every day and all the smiles he brings. Pretty sure he will be too busy to read this, this week so I get to be as mushy as I want! Haha (he doesn't exactly love mushy-ness in front of other people). 

Oh and next time I blog if I remember, I'll blog about our date day last week, because it was amazing! We have so much spontaneous fun together when we aren't hopelessly shackled to our classes and jobs. 

Okay, so that's enough procrastinating for now, time to get down and dirty and start making progress studying for Chinese! 

For all of you reading this who have your own finals and personal stresses, I wish you luck and pray that this week goes more smoothly than expected and that you all remember to trust your instincts and do your best on these finals! That's all anyone can ever ask of you.
 If you do your best and still do not succeed, that is nothing to be ashamed of. 

Just keep pushing for a better best. The "best you can do" is never stagnate or permanent, as long as you keep working, it keeps progressing. 

Anyway, I got sidetracked again (story of my life).
I love you all, and remember after this week, you get to relax!

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